Ameritronics Systems offers engineering, installation, service and support on all types of electrical equipment.
Electrical Contracting Services - Industrial, commercial and residential applications, see Electrical Contracting page for services provided.
Fire Alarm Systems - From campus wide to a single room or building. Major manufacturers supported; EST UTC Fire Systems, Cypress AMS Alarm Monitoring System, and Firelite.
Access Control Systems - Campus wide or stand alone single door applications. Manufacturers supported Cansec Systems and Cansec Systems Ltd., Cypress Computer Systems.
Mass Notification Systems - Disaster Warning Notification for entire site - Interior and exterior. Small applications to city wide coverage. EST360 Certified Dealer.
Public Address (PA) - Amplified Audio Public Address. All manufacturers of Public Address systems and periherals supported. Amplifiers, speakers, wiring, supervisory modules, etc.
Custom Design Applications - Custom design services and installation for but not limited to; device monitoring, supervisory signals, machine control, access control, and fire alarms.
Computer Networking - Networking services for commercial and residential computer networks. Wired or wireless.
Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) - Interior/Exterior video survellience solutions for industrial, commercial, and residential applications.
Project Planning and Management - We will manage your electrical installation and
design for a variety of systems, controls and applications.
Turnkey Installation Services - From the project planning stage to completion for all the aforementioned applications.
Autocad Drawing Services
- Drawing and design services from project inception, through installation, and as-built documentation.
On Site Training - We offer complete on site operator and maintenance training courses for all the product that we support. A full training course can be tailered to meet you specific needs.
24 hour emergency service upon request - Services available for emergency repair after business hours and holidays.